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Painting Workshops and Individual Classes
Application for Morristown, TN, Workshop
Morristown Workshop
Painting People in Watercolor
The Language of Watercolor
weekly watercolor or oil painting classes
Materials Lists
“Language of Watercolor” Workshop with Bobbie Crews, 865-591-0831

Materials List

Watercolor paint from the tube- I don’t stick to one manufacturer.
1. Bring whatever you already have.
2. Be sure to have the Primary colors (some version of red, blue and yellow). My primary palette includes ultramarine or cobalt, yellow ochre and scarlet lake.

Some of my favorites:
Blues: French Ultramarine Blue, Cobalt, Phthalo Blue, Cobalt Turquoise
Reds: Scarlet Lake, Alizarin Crimson, Rose Madder Genuine
Yellows: Ochre, Cadmium yellows, New Gamboge, Indian Yellow
Natural Colors: Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, Sepia
Greens: Sap Green, Olive and terre verde

1. Bring the largest w/c brushes you have, as well as some smaller or medium sizes.
2. Have some flats as well as rounds.

1. Several sheets of Arches, Fabriano or other high quality w/c paper.
(140 lb cold press)
2. Any other w/c paper that you favor or would like to try.
3. Left over scraps of w/c paper are a great idea for samples and experiments.

1. Water container that doesn’t easily spill.
2. Facial tissues (with no lotion) for blotting.
3. Towel or other material for blotting water from brushes.
4. Palette, butcher tray, or other equipment for squeezing paints onto and mixing.
5. Spray bottle for water.
6. Pencils, or other drawing material such as permanent ink other interesting drawing tools.
7. Small containers for pouring paint from.
8. Masking tape.
9. Any resource material you are interested in.